Most top Spanish resorts have lots to see and do which are well documented in the travel guides and brochures. We offer a very personal view below of the two features which we think are the most stunning, unique or typical of the resorts listed. If there was limited time to spend at these resorts, the sites below would be our choice. |
La mayoría de las estaciones de España tienen mucho que ver y hacer lo que están muy bien documentados en las guías de viajes y folletos. Ofrecemos una visión muy personal por debajo de las dos características que consideramos son los más impresionante, único o típico de los centros mencionados. Si hay tiempo limitado para pasar en estos centros, los sitios a continuación sería nuestra elección. |
La Palma, Majorca
One of the most impressive cathedrals in Europe sits majestically over the city of Palma. Any visit to the wonderful island of Majorca would not be complete without seeing this wonder. |
Majorca - Sa Seu Cathedral, Palma
Una de las más impresionantes catedrales en Europa se asienta majestuosamente sobre la ciudad de Palma. Cualquier visita a la maravillosa isla de Mallorca no estaría completa sin ver esta maravilla.
Cuevas del Drach, Majorca
you are seeking refuge from the intense sun, Majorca has just the
place. The Caves del Drach are on the eastern side of the island about
half an hour drive north from Cala d`Or.
These are without doubt very spectacular limestone caves. They were
discovered in 1896 by a French geologist, Edouard Martel. The
stalactites and stalagmites have formed into stunning displays
resembling all manner of things described as: inquisition chamber;
Ariadne`s Labyrinth; Diana`s bath; Fairies Theatre, and so on. |
Majorca - Cuevas del drach - underground Lake Martel.
Si usted está buscando refugio del sol intenso, Mallorca tiene justo el lugar. Las cuevas del Drach estan en el lado oriental de la isla aproximadamente media hora en coche del norte de Cala d ' Or. Estos son sin duda muy espectaculares cuevas de piedra caliza. Fueron descubiertos en 1896 por un geólogo francés, Edouard Martel. Las estalactitas y estalagmitas han formado en impresionantes exhibiciones de todo tipo de cosas se describe como: cámara de la Inquisición; Laberinto de Ariadna; Baño de Diana; Teatro de las hadas y así sucesivamente.
By far the most striking landmark in Alicante is the Castillo de Santa Barbara built at over 500 feet on top of Mount Benacantil. It is easy to believe that historically the fortress was extremely important with its commanding position and views. This photo was taken from the roof of the Mediterranean Plaza hotel over the top of the stunning Ayuntamiento.
The panorama and views from the top are incredible. |
Alicante - Castillo de Santa Barbara
Sin duda el punto de referencia(lugar muy conocido) más asombroso en Alicante es Castillo de Santa Barbara construida en más de 500 pies encima de Monte Benacantil. Es fácil creer que históricamente la fortaleza era extremadamente importante con su posición privilegiada y vistas. Esta foto fue tomada desde el techo del hotel Mediterráneo Plaza por encima de la impresionante Ayuntamiento.
El panorama y las vistas desde la cima son increíbles. |
The famous ‘Explanada’ is an elegant promenade running along the edge of the port, and connecting new developments at both ends of the splendid marina. This shot was taken at an unusually quiet time. The pattern has a mesmerising effect if you stare at it for too long! |
Alicante - Explanada
El famosa 'Explanada' es un elegante paseo marítimo a lo largo de la orilla del puerto, y la conexión de nuevos desarrollos en ambos extremos de la espléndida marina. Esta foto fue tomada en un tiempo inusualmente tranquilo. El patrón tiene un efecto hipnótico si usted mira es demasiado larga! |
Barcelona - Magic fountains
Visit Montjuïc and the famous MNAC at night and you will be treated to the Magic Fountains (Font Màgica). Watch as the fountain dances to the music and changes colour.
Find out more...
Visite Montjuïc y MNAC famoso por la noche y se tratará a las Fuentes Mágicas(Font Màgica)Mire ya que la fuente baila a la música y cambia el color.. |
Barcelona - Port Olimpic area
The 1992 Olympic Games was the driving force behind the development of this part of the Barcelona seafront. A modern marina adorned with interesting sculptures is now enjoyed by locals and visitors alike. There is a good choice of bars and restaurants and the area is an ideal place for an evening stroll in the warm climate. |
Los Juegos Olímpicos de 1992 fue la fuerza impulsora detrás del desarrollo de esta parte del frente marítimo de Barcelona. Ahora se disfruta de una moderna marina adornada con esculturas interesantes por lugareños y visitantes por igual. Hay una buena selección de bares y restaurantes y la zona es un lugar ideal para un paseo nocturno en el clima. |
This pretty plaza is just behind the old town and is an oasis of calm from the busy Calle Ramon Gallud. A small fountain frames the ancient church of the immaculate conception. Take a break under the palm trees or sneak a look in the ornate church. |
Torrevieja - plaza de la constitucion and iglesia de la inmaculada concepcion.
Esta bonita plaza está justo detrás del casco antiguo y es un oasis de calma de la concurrida Calle Ramon Gallud. Una pequeña fuente enmarca la antigua iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción. Tómese un descanso bajo las palmeras o colar una mirada en la iglesia ornamentada. |
Torrevieja has worked hard to create a promenade along most of its seafront. The Paseo de la Libertad is typical of this achievement, and also is home to an interesting selection of shop-stalls. |
Torrevieja - Paseo de la Libertad
Torrevieja ha trabajado duro para crear un paseo a lo largo de su paseo marítimo. El Paseo de la Libertad es típica de este logro, y también es hogar de una interesante selección de puestos. |
La Pineda, Costa Daurada
An incredibly unusual area between the paseos Pau Casals and La Playa. These structures are 9 metres tall with an hexagonal form to simulate pine trees and provide shade.
La Pineda - El parque urbano del Pinar del Perruquet
Un área muy inusual entre los paseos Pau Casals y La Playa. Estas estructuras son 9 metros de altura con forma hexagonal para simular árboles de pino y dar sombra.
The night time illumination of the high rise seafront and promenade along the Playa Levante is spectacular. |
Benidorm - view of the Levante Playa at night
La iluminación nocturna de la alta subida junto al mar y paseo marítimo a lo largo de la Playa de Levante es espectacular. |
The authentic Spanish ambience of this popular tapas bar in the old town is unforgettable. Try a selection of their great choice of nibbles and enjoy with a glass or two of Cava. |
Benidorm - La Caya Aragonesa
El auténtico ambiente español este popular bar de tapas en el casco antiguo es inolvidable. Degustar una selección de su gran variedad de aperitivos y disfrute con un vaso o dos del Cava. |
La Manga del Mar Menor-aerial view
La Manga is a fascinating area, a strip of land, 22 kms long and 50 to 1500 m wide, separating the Mediterranean from the inland sea, Mar Menor. Thousands of years ago it was a large bay, but gradually a long underwater ridge built up to create its present appearance.It lies to the southeast of Murcia province and the nearest airport is Murcia San Javier, about 40kms away. |
La Manga es una zona fascinante, una franja de tierra de 22 km de largo y 50 m de ancho a 1500, separar el Mediterráneo desde el mar interior, Mar Menor. Hace miles de años fue una gran bahía, pero poco a poco una cresta larga submarina construido para crear su aspecto actual. Se encuentra al sudeste de la provincia de Murcia y el aeropuerto más cercano es Murcia San Javier, sobre 40 km de distancia. |
La Manga del Mar Menor - sunset
This view of the southern end of the Mar Menor was taken from the Hotel Gaviotas. The panorama is stunning and the extensive Mar is always tranquil and awesome. |
Este punto de vista del extremo sur del Mar Menor fue sacado de las Gaviotas del Hotel. El panorama es impresionante y el amplio Mar es siempre tranquilo y maravilloso. |
Cabo de Palos, Murcia
This pretty harbour is located just south of La Manga del Mar Menor and has been tastefully developed in recent years. There is a modern development around the sheltered leisure marina, which is also used as a centre for a bustling diving school. At the seafront the promenade provides access to a good selection of restaurants and villas to rent and own. |
Este puerto está situado al sur de La Manga del Mar Menor y ha sido desarrollado con gusto en los últimos años. Hay un desarrollo moderno alrededor de la marina recreativa protegido, que se utiliza también como un centro para una escuela de buceo bulliciosa. En el paseo marítimo el promenade proporciona acceso a una buena selección de restaurantes y villas para alquiler y poseer. |
Lanzarote - El Parque de Timanfaya
Like all Canary islands, Lanzarote is volcanic and certainly one place not to miss is Timanfaya, the national park of volcanoes. Two hundred years ago there were some major eruptions lasting for several years which swamped a large area with lava and ash. Today, there are demonstrations of the latent heat still prevalent just below ground level. Park staff show how dry straw spontaneously bursts into flames when placed in contact with the ground just a couple of feet below the surface. |
Como todas las Islas Canarias, Lanzarote es volcánico Y sin duda un lugar para no perderse es Timanfaya, el Parque Nacional de volcanes. Hace doscientos años hubo algunos grandes erupciones durante varios años, lo que inundó una gran superficie con lava y cenizas. Hoy, hay demostraciones del calor latente aún prevalece justo por debajo del nivel del suelo.Personal del Parque muestran cómo espontáneamente de paja seca de llamasCuando se coloca en contacto con el suelo sólo un par de metros bajo la superficie. |
Lanzarote - la casa de Cesar Manrique
The César Manrique Foundation is full of works of this modern day artist and architect including his own unique house in Tahiche.It was built in 1968 on the site of a lava flow dating back to the eruptions two hundred years ago. It takes advantage on its lower level of five bubble shaped cavities formed by volcanic action. They are a surprising example of how the result of natural volcanic activity can be utilised to create real living space.
Marina Rubicon, Playa Blanca, Lanzarote
This elegant modern resort at Playa Blanca has all the facilities you could ever want for a fantastic vacation. Adjacent to the Gran Melia Volcan 5 star hotel and large leisure marina, the Rubicon offers the full range of watersports, tennis, art gallery and shopping along the attractive El Paseo. It also enjoys a great selection of good quality restaurants and bars. |
Mijas, Costa del Sol
Panorama towards Benalmadena
As well as being one of the prettiest towns on the Costa, the views from Mijas are stunning. No wonder thousands of tourists visit every year. |
San Fermin - Pamplona
festival of San Fermin and the running of the bulls (el encierro) take
place in Pamplona, Navarra, every year in the second week of July.
Whilst San Fermin was originally a religious festival in celebration of
the patron of Navarra, Saint Fermin, the tradition of the running of
the bulls has meant that this fiesta has gained international
recognition and is now much more than a local religious celebration. |
fiesta de San Fermin y el encierro tienen lugar en Pamplona, Navara,
cada año en la segunda semana de julio. Mientras que San Fermin era
originariamente una fiesta religiosa en celebración del patrono de
Navarra, San Fermin, la tradición del encierro ha traído esta fiesta
recognición internacional y ahora se trata de mucho más que simplemente
una celebración religiosa local. |
Maspalomas - Gran Canaria
Near to the famous lighthouse at Maspalomas there is a new development of interesting chic shops and businesses.Turn left and you are soon into the Meloneras district with an excellent selection of restaurants and further designer shops and the comprehensive Faro 2 shopping mall. In an evening there is usually some good live music at one or two of the bars in this area. When it’s time to go home, the taxis are plentiful and cheap. |
Maspalomas - Gran playa
This is a spectacular stretch of 400 hectares of sand dunes. This mini wonder of the world separates the elegant Maspalomas resort of luxury hotels and villas from the more downmarket but popular resort of Playa del Ingles. The dunes are a natural protected area and habitat for a number of rare plant species some of which are unique to the Canaries. If you walk into the middle of these dunes you could imagine being in the deserts of Africa, so take care and plenty of water and hats!
Tomatina - Buñol - Valencia province
La Tomatina consists of a massive tomato fight held in the town of Buñol,
38km from Valencia, normally held the last Wednesday of August.
Approximately 30,000 people from all over the world arrive early in the
morning to fight in the battle in which about 150,000 over-ripe
tomatoes are hurled in the streets. Bearing in mind that the normal
population of Bunol is 9,000, one can imagine that the town is hurled
into chaos for this messy festival. |
The Magdalena peninsular is a particularly beautiful and fascinating area for strolling on a fine day. There is an impressive variety of shrubs and plants, particularly encircling the Palacio de la Magdalena. This stunning palace in white stone has a somewhat familiar English look about it, but it has actually been the home of former Spanish royalty. However, it`s now the HQ of the Universidad Internacional Menendez-Pelayo offering a variety of courses to international students. |
Cartagena is quite a large city with a population of about 200,000. It has always been an important naval station because of its large sheltered natural harbour, and big shipyard. In more recent times it has grown in popularity as a tourist destination and the city has worked hard to stimulate this development.
Magnificent panorama from the grounds of the castle on top of Concepcion Hill. |
The Ayuntamiento of Cartagena has got to be one of the finest in Spain. The city has significantly invested in the surrounding marble-like plaza. |
Mount Montgo towers over the town of Denia on the northern Costa Blanca. The views from the mountain are phenomenal. |