Most top Spanish American cities have lots to see and do which are well documented in the travel guides and brochures. We offer a very personal view below of the two features which we think are the most stunning, unique or typical of the resorts listed. If there was limited time to spend at these resorts, the sites and activities below would be our choice.
Buenos Aires - Monserrat
Monserrat is the old centre of the city and home to the Plaza Mayo the site of the major government buildings, the Casa Rosada and the Cabildo. The Plaza has two diagonal main roads to North and South, and the Avenida de Mayo leading directly to The National Congress. The district directly south is known as Catedral al Sur where there are enchanting old streets and the best tango shows in town. |
Bus Turistico
A great way to see some of the best tourist spots in the city is to jump on the open top tourist bus. You can start from any of the 12 stops which include: Plaza de Mayo; Congreso Nacional; Monserrat; San Telmo; La Boca; Reserva Ecologica; Puerto Madero; Plaza San Martin; Palermo - Rosedal; Plaza Italia; Recoleta; and Plaza Lavalle. The buses run throughout the working day at half hour intervals. |
Mexico city is located in a valley on a plateau 7000 feet above sea level! The city is surrounded by volcanoes and mountains and sits on what was once Lake Tescoco. The population of 9 million inhabit a city with serious crime and pollution problems. However it is also a very vibrant and modern place to live with fantastic Aztec ruins from bygone ages. |
Visit Bosque de Chapultepec to enjoy a green oasis in the concrete jungle. Thousands of citizens come here for exercise, picnics and entertainment in a park which caters for all. There are restaurants, a zoo, and amusements all in a lovely setting. |