Spanish idioms |
Literal translation |
English equivalent |
Picture representation |
Estas en su salsa |
You are in your sauce |
You are in your element, ideal place, ideal situation |
Este chico va a su bola |
This kid's going to the ball |
This kid does his own thing |
Acostarse con las gallinas |
To go to bed with the chickens |
To go to bed early |
Andando, que es gerundio |
Going, which is gerund |
We'd better get a move on |
Salir como alma que lleva el diablo |
To leave like a soul that the Devil is carrying |
To leave like a bat out of hell |
A ti quien te ha dado vela en este entierro? |
Who gave you a candle at this funeral? |
What business is it of yours? |
Mentar la soga en casa del ahorcado |
To mention the rope in the house of the hanged man |
To put your foot in it |
Esta tarta está de muerte |
This cake is incredible |
This cake is dead good. |
El oro y el moro |
The gold and the Moor |
An immense amount of money |
Ponerse las botas |
To put on boots |
To be raking (money) it in |
No tener más que el día y la noche |
To have only the day and the night |
Not to have two pennies to rub together |
No me des la lata
don ʼt give me the tin
Leave me in peace
Comerse los codos de hambre |
To eat your elbows from hunger |
Not to have a penny to your name |
Seré una tumba |
I'll be a tomb |
I won't breathe a word |
Dar esquinazo (a alguien) |
To give the corner (to somebody) |
To avoid someone on purpose |
Dar una paliza |
To give a pasting |
To beat up, hit repeatedly |
Hablar por los codos |
To talk through your elbows |
To talk nineteen to the dozen |
Ha nacido con un pan debajo del brazo
he was born with bread under his arm
The baby has brought good fortune to the family
En el pais de los ciegos, el tuerto es el rey |
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king |
If you know a little bit more about something than everyone else around you, you are the expert |
En boca cerrada no entran moscas |
Flies can't enter a closed mouth |
Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut |
Tener ni pies ni cabeza |
To have no feet or head |
To not make sense |
Llueve sobre mojado |
it rains on what's already wet |
it never rains but it pours |
Estar mal de la azotea |
To have a problem on your roof terrace |
to be off your head |
Leer la cartilla a alguien |
To read the primer to somebody |
To read somebody the riot act |
tirar del carro |
to pull the cart |
to do the donkey work |
peinar canas |
to comb grey hair |
to be getting on |
estar hecho un basilisco |
to be a basilisk |
to be hopping mad, really mad |
Echar pelillos a la mar |
to throw little hairs into the sea |
to bury the hatchet |
no esta el horno para bollos |
the oven isn't ready for buns |
the time isn't right |
ser más listo que Lepe |
to be smarter than Lepe |
to be very clever |
quemarse las pestañas |
to single your eyelashes |
to work late at night, to burn the midnight oil |
estar a partir un piñón |
to be close enough to split a pine nut |
to be best friends, best pals |
éramos pocos y parió la abuela |
there were only a few of us and grandma had a baby |
just as we thought things could not get any worse |
hacer campana |
to do bell |
to play truant |
a otra cosa, mariposa |
to something else, butterfly |
let`s move on to something else |
estar en la edad del pavo |
to be at the age of the turkey |
to be at that difficult age |
tener a alguien metido en el bote |
to have somebody put in the jar |
to have somebody eating out of your hand |
quedar a la altura del betún |
to be left at the height of shoe polish |
to make yourself look really bad |
esto sabe a demonios |
this tastes of devils |
this tastes really awful |
rascarse el bolsillo |
to scratch your pocket |
to put your hand in your pocket |
Me salió del alma |
It came from the soul |
I said it without thinking |
Nunca llueve a gusto de todos |
It never rains to everyone`s taste |
You can`t always please everyone |
Dar a alguien gato por liebre |
To give somebody cat instead of hare |
To sell someone a pig in a poke.To pull a fast one on someone. |
Romper una lanza a favor de alguien |
To break a lance for someone |
To stick your neck out for someone |
Contra viento y marea |
against wind and tide |
against all odds |
No se parecen ni en el blanco de los ojos |
They don't resemble each other even in the whites of their eyes |
They are like chalk and cheese |
Ser un águila |
To be an eagle |
To be very sharp |
Criar gusanos |
To grow worms |
To be pushing up daisies |
Ha llovido mucho desde entonces |
It`s rained a lot since then |
A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then |
Estirar la pata |
To stretch your leg |
To kick the bucket |
Saber la biblia en verso |
To the bible in verse |
To know absolutely everything |
Estar hecho un espárrago |
To be an asparagus |
To be as thin as a rake |
Tener pájaros en la cabeza |
To have birds in your head |
To be empty headed |
Ser uña y carne |
To be nail and flesh |
To be inseparable |
No apearse del burro |
Not to get down from your donkey |
To refuse to back down |
Al pan pan, y al vino vino |
Call bread bread, and wine wine |
I call a spade a spade |
Cortarse la coleta |
To cut off your pigtail |
To retire, to quit |
Consultarlo con la almohada |
To consult your pillow about it |
To sleep on it |
Blanco como la cera |
As white as wax |
As white as a sheet |
Tener ángel |
To have angel |
To be very charming |
Estar como una reina |
To be like a queen |
To look beautiful |
Recoger el guante |
To pick up the glove |
To rise to the challenge |
El zángano |
drone |
idler, lazy bones |
Tener un jabon |
To have a soap |
To be shaken up |
Pelar los dientes |
To peel the teeth |
To smile |
Tener la cabeza hueca |
To have the head hollow |
To be brainless |
Es peor el remedio que la enfermedad |
The remedy is worse than the disease. |
It just makes things worse. |

jugarse la cabeza |
To bet one's head |
to bet one's life |
Dar bola a alguien |
To give someone the ball |
To pay attention to someone |
Serrucharle el piso a alguien |
To saw off the floor under someone |
To cook someone's goose |
Empezar la casa por el tejado |
To start the house with the roof |
To put the cart before the horse |

Escapar del trueno y dar con el relámpago |
To escape the thunder and get hit by lightning |
To jump out of the frying pan into the fire |
Saber de que pie cojea alguien |
To know what foot someone is limping on |
To know someone's Achilles heal |
El raton de biblioteca |
Library mouse |
Bookworm |
Todo me sale torcido |
Everything turns out twisted for me |
Everything turns out badly for me |
Apearse del burro |
To get off the donkey |
To back down |
Miel sobre hojuelas |
Honey on pastries |
Perfect. So much the better |
Donde el diablo perdio el poncho |
Where the devil lost his poncho |
In a godforsaken spot |
Que lo pase bien |
May you spend it well |
Have a good day |
Las desgracias nunca vienen solas |
Bad things never come alone or one at a time |
It never rains but it pours |
Pasar a mejor vida |
To go to a better life |
To pass away |
Suerte, valor y al toro |
luck, courage and the bull |
The very best of luck to you |
Rizar el rizo |
To curl the curl |
Make a mountain out of a molehill |
Estar como un regadera |
To be like a watering can |
To have a mind like a sieve. To forget things. |
Matar dos pajaros con un tiro |
To kill two birds with one shot |
To kill two birds with one stone |
No pintar nada |
To not paint anything. |
To be of no importance. To not have any say. |
Ir hecho bala |
To go made into a bullet |
To go like a shot |
Siempre la segundona |
Always the second one |
Always the bridesmaid, never the bride |
Alli dondes fueres, haz lo que vieres. |
Where you are, do as you see it. |
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. |
Siempre me toca a mi pagar el pato |
The duck always touches me for my money |
I always end up getting the blame. I always end up taking the rap. |
Darle lata a alguien |
To give someone tin can |
To give someone a hard time. To upset someone. |
la nesesidad hace maestros |
the necessity makes teachers |
necessity is the mother of invention |
Loro viejo no aprende a hablar |
Old parrot does not learn to speak |
You can`t teach an old dog new tricks |
El que rie ultimo,rie mejor |
He who laughs last, laughs best |
He who laughs last laughs longest |
El sapo a la sapa tienela por guapa |
The male toad to the female toad is considered good-looking |
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder |
Hablando del rey de Roma - (y el que se asoma) |
Talking of the king of Rome - (and he appears) |
talk of the devil - (and the devil appears) |
Mas vale tarde que nunca |
More value late than never |
better late than never |
Si quieres ser bien servido, sirvete a ti mismo |
If you want to be well served, serve you to you same |
If you want a thing done well, do it yourself |
El tiempo es oro |
Time is gold |
Time is money |
Reír con risa de conejo |
To laugh like a rabbit |
To force a laugh |