Really good Spanish words - great verbs in brackets
Beginning with / Empezando con: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W Y
A |
acompañadas con |
with, together with |
agotador |
exhausting |
ambiente |
atmosphere |
arriba |
upstairs |
atasco |
traffic jam |
avispado |
sharp, bright |
podría alterar |
it could alter, modify |
B |
bajo |
short (in height) |
bastar |
to be enough |
C |
charla |
chat, talk |
colocar |
to put |
consejos, puntas |
tips, advice (about things) |
contento |
happy |
ha convertido (convertir) |
has become (to become) |
crema solar, protectora solar |
sun cream |
D |
descargar ansiedades |
to relieve anxieties |
descansar |
to rest |
disfruta (disfrutar) |
enjoys (to enjoy) |
again |
duerme / dormir |
sleeps / to sleep |
E |
se encuentra / encontrarse |
there is / to be |
ensayar |
rehearse |
evitando (evitar) |
avoiding (to avoid) |
widespread |
F |
fuerzas |
strength |
G |
gesto |
gesture |
se ganan la vida / ganar |
they earn their living / to earn |
H |
hay / hubo / habia |
there is / there was / there were |
I |
J |
L |
los mas impresionantes |
the most impressive |
loncha de hamon |
slice of ham |
M |
se mantiene fuerte (mantener) |
keeps himself strong (to keep) |
modalidades |
forms, types |
mozo |
waiter |
N |
normas |
rules |
O |
P |
pedido |
order |
perder |
to lose, to miss |
previene / prevenir |
it prevents / to prevent |
pintoresco |
picturesque, scenic |
Q |
R |
ratito |
little while |
en realidad |
in fact, actually, in reality |
se relaja / relajarse |
it relaxes / to relax |
S |
siguen / siguir |
they keep / to keep |
sentimiento |
feeling |
sitio |
place (location) |
suele |
usually |
supo (saber) |
knew (to know) |
T |
U |
V |
vale la pena |
it was worth |
vinillo |
small wine |
se visten (vestir) |
they are dressed (to dress) |
vistosos |
colourful, spectacular |
W |
Y |
ya que |
since |
sacando / sacar |
taking out / to take out |
grabado |
engraved |
miden / medir |
they measure / to measure |
ha alcanzado / alcanzar |
it has reached / to reach |
desarrollo |
development |
muy de madrugada |
very late at night / very early in the morning |
en busca |
in search of |
espectáculo |
show |
repletas |
full |
hacia |
towards |
a su paso |
in their way |
está actuando / actuar |
it is acting / to act |
pueda quedar sólo en recuerdo |
it can only remain as a part of the past |
llena de |
full of |
lindos |
pretty, nice |
parecen salidos de |
they seem to come from |
elaborados / elaborar |
made / to make |
llamativos |
bright, colourful |
sostienen / sostener |
they hold, maintain / to hold, maintain |
extraña |
strange |
despertó / despertar |
he woke up / to wake up |
se repuso / reponerse |
he recovered / to recover |
salvado / salvar |
saved / to save |
no solo...sino también |
not only...but also |
pertenencia |
belonging |
trajes típicos |
typical outfits |
llevar |
to wear |
si bien |
even though |
existen / existir |
there are / to be (great alternative to ser) |
principalmente |
mainly |
festejos |
holidays |
motivos |
reasons |
según |
depending on |
fino |
thin |
lujosa |
luxurious |
más allá |
beyond |
modo de vida |
way of life |
en la actualidad |
nowadays |
realiza / realizar |
she carries out / to carry out |
recorre / recorrer |
it covers / to cover |
redondeadas |
rounded |
permite / permitir |
it lets / to let |
utilizaba / utilizar |
I used / to user |
sujetado |
fixed |
pensadas |
thought, intended |
proteger |
to protect |
apreciar |
to appreciate |
horas de ocio |
leisure time, spare time |
destacado |
outstanding |
aseguran / aseguar |
the assure / to assure |
se trata de |
it is about |
mucho miedo |
much fear |
se recuerda / recordar |
remember / to remember |
parece / parecer |
it seems / to seem |
emocionantes |
exciting |
alegres |
joyful |
coloridos |
colourful |
se originó / originar |
it began, it started / to begin, to start |
hábiles |
skillful |
velozmente |
quickly |
destreza |
skill |
seguridad |
confidence |
estridente |
noisy, strident |
carrera |
race |
es debido a |
it is due to |
a continuación |
next |
estrecha |
narrow |
consejo |
advice |
ubicada |
located |
repartidos por |
spread about |
vecindarios |
neighbourhoods |
Playas hermosas |
beautiful beaches |
placer |
pleasure |
lugareños |
locals |
se llena / llenarse |
it gets plenty / to get plenty |
asimismo |
likewise, in the same way |
gorro |
hat |
quizás |
perhaps |
incluso |
even |
todos los gustos |
any taste, all tastes |
tales como |
such as |
solicitados |
popular, in great demand |
próxima vez |
next time |
Cuenta con / contar con |
it has / to have |
posee / poseer |
it has / to have |
está alojado |
it is housed |
anchísimas |
very wide |
si bien |
although |
dar un aire especial |
to make it special |
concurridas |
crowded |
valientes |
brave, courageous |
para disfrutar |
to enjoy |
desarrollo |
development |
vera del mar |
beside the sea |
destrezas |
skills |
espectáculos teatrales |
theatre shows |
acudir |
to go |
sobre todo |
especially |
diversión |
fun |
variada |
assorted |
decepcionados |
disappointed |
surger |
to arise |
conllevar |
to involve |
correr el riesgo |
to run the risk |
acoger |
to accept, give shelter to, to harbour, to welcome |
recinto |
compound, grounds, enclosure, precinct |
malísimo |
horrible |
riquísimo |
delicious |
buen/mal humour |
good/bad mood |
con frecuencia |
often |
cabalgar |
to ride |
asistentes |
the public |
degustar |
to taste |
una empresa |
a business |
los procesos |
processes |
aplastar |
to crush eg grapes |
cuanto |
how much |
reglas, normas |
rules |
lo seco / dulzura |
dryness / sweetness eg wine |
fermentar |
to ferment |
inicialmente |
initially |
anadir |
to add |
levadura |
yeast |
alcanzar |
to attain |
las burbujas |
bubbles |
dioxido de carbono |
carbon dioxide |
atrapar (atrapado) |
to trap (trapped) |
discribir |
to describe |
mantenir |
to keep, maintain |
boca abajo |
upside down |
lías |
lees (wine) |
girar |
turn, rotate, twist, revolve |
al menos |
at least |
finalmente |
eventually |
extraer |
to extract |
congelación |
freezing |
el cuello |
the neck |
expulsar |
to expel |
a continuación = entonces |
then |
Asi que |
so |
entero |
whole |
costoso |
costly |
importar |
to import |
agregar = anadir |
to add |
de alguna manera |
in some way |
corchos nuevos |
new corks, re-corked |
proprietaria, dueña |
owner |
niveles |
levels |
cuidado |
care |
muy sabroso |
very tasty |
pieles |
skins |
mas fresco |
fresher |
mas nitido |
crisper |
elevada acidez |
high acidity |
negocio familiar |
family business |
bien establecido |
well established |
mezclados |
blended |
floral |
flowery eg wine |
estimado |
dear |
huésped |
guest eg hotel |
la dirección |
the management |
el personal |
the staff |
su estancia |
your stay |
agradable |
agreeable |
placentera |
pleasant |
guía |
guide |
conocimiento |
knowledge |
disfrute |
enjoyment |
bienestar |
well being |
colchonetas hinchables |
air beds |
colgar |
to hang eg towels |
cualquier |
each, any |
motivos |
reasons |
largo |
long |
más cercana |
closest |
abridor de botellas |
bottle opener |
se encuentra |
is located |
relajado |
relaxed |
contamos |
we have |
disponemos |
we have |
le ofrece |
offers you |
alta calidad |
high quality |
una amplia |
a range |
ninguna |
neither, none, nobody |
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