Useful grammar and vocabulary from the Spanish class
25 Enero 2022 Class
Vocabulario de Encanto - Dos Oruguitas - two small caterpillars
enamorado - in love
buscar algun rincon - to search for some retreat
sigue cambiando - keeps changing
paran el viento - they stop the wind
aguantarse - to hold on
hacia adelante - forwards
seguiras - you will follow / keep moving
milagros - miracles
desorientado - disoriented
los capullos - cocoons
bien abrigadas - well-wrapped
ya solo falta - now all that's missing
ya son milagros - there are already miracles
13 May 2021 Class
The Future tense used to express probability or conjecture
English expressions of probability eg I wonder, it's probably, it might etc are translated in spanish by using the future tense. Verbs like estar, haber, ser and tener are commonly used. This is not surprising because they can be used to express - 'will be..' 'will have...'
What time is it? It's probably seven o'clock (It will be seven o'clock) - Seran las siete
I wonder who has the books? Natalia probably has them (Natalia will have them) - Las tendra Natalia.
Useful vocabulary from the meeting
congelacion - frost
por separado (separadamente) - separately
darse cuenta de - to realize
sustituir - to replace
para dejar las cosas para manana - to procrastinate
apagar - to put out, turn out eg fire, light
gotear - to drip
29 April 2021 Class
refuerzo - booster, reinforcing (eg vaccine jab)
travieza - mischevious
golpeando - putting (golf)
no mucho, nada diferente, lo mismo de siempre - not much (what have you done)
sistemo digestivo - digestive system
teniendo en cuenta que - considering that
a diferencia de - in contrast to
magullado - bruised (eg arm after vaccination!)
30 March 2021 Class
consentir - to spoil, consentido - spoilt
movar las palances - pull some strings
lo que paso - what happened
nada se movia - nothing was moving
anchos - wide
he hecho - I have done
he podido - I have been able
dar a luz - to give birth
avergonzado - embarrassed
crucigrama - crossword
sopa de letras - wordsearch
la nuera - daughter in law
raro - strange
inusual - unusual
cada uno - each other
gritar - to shout
aterizar - to land (plane)
quedar - to stay
la mayoría - most of them
la mayor parte - most of
más - most
quejarse - to complain
queja - a complaint
prismáticos/vinoculares - binoculars
testamento - will
mochilo - back-pack
mochileros - backpackers
la fuente - source (river)
exilo - exile
mencionar - to mention
expulsar - to exile/expel
soler - to be used
yo solía jugar - I used to play
darse cuenta de - to realise
me doy cuenta - I realise
nos dimos cuenta - we realised
atrapar - to catch
de repente - suddenly
cascabel - rattlesnake
cuentos - stories
tijeras - scissors
lianas - vines
ladridos - barking
botoiquin - first aid
brujula - compass
te echo mucho de menos - I miss you a lot
rara - weird
metiste la pata - to put your foot in it
divertida - entertaining
sobrevivir - to survive
sobrevivientes - survivors
autobiografía - autobiography
autores - authors
pedir prestado - to ask to borrow
nombre de seria - name of the series
preocupado - worried
abuelo/a - grandfather/mother
nieto/a - grandson/daughter
sobrino/a - nephew/niece
tio/a - uncle/aunt
parientes - family relatives
cuñado(a) - brother in law (sister in law)
solapa (o ancho) - wide lapel (on jacket, etc)
corbata - tie
cuello - collar
primo/a - cousin
apagado (o desraido) - faded
pez espada - swordfish
boda - wedding
coche deportivo - sports car
suegra/o - mother in law/father in law
pelo largo - long hair
tela - cloth
tejer - weave (cloth)
Present Perfect
he, has, ha, hemos, habéis, han + PAST PARTICIPLE, e.g. hablado, comido, vivido
I, you, he/she/it, we, you(plural), they were - speaking, eating, living
Verbs taking: me, te, le, nos, os, - Gustar, Encantar, Facinar
I like - me gusta; you like - te gusta; he likes - le gusta; nos gusta - we like; os gusta - you like
I love -me encanta; you love - te encanta; he loves - le encanta; we love - nos incantar; etc
more than - más que
less than - menos que
In expressions including more or less than a number or quantity, need to use más de or menos de examples:
hay más de 30 personas en el teatro
tengo menos de 100 libras en la cuenta
the most pretty - la más bonita
the most intelligent - el más inteligente
the least - la menos/ el menos
muchísimos - the best (absolute tops)
bono/los bonos - bonus/bonuses
sueldo - salary
subida de suelda - instead of salary
cuentas - accounts
sucursal - branch bank
la matriz - head office
jergo - jargon
hipoteca - mortgage company
gastos - expenses
a más de - besides (on top of)
quitar - remove
grano - grain
maiz - corn
centeno - rye
trigo - wheat
espalda - back
Ecuadorean tongue twister: tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en un trigal
The weather has been pretty dire in the UK over the last month, so it was entirely relevant to look at vocabulary and constructions involving the weather. The accompanying verbs used are: HACER (mostly used when there is nothing visible)
eg hace frío - it is cold; hace sol - it is sunny.
HAY is used when you can see something (tip - 'eye')
eg hay nieve - it is snowy; hay lluvía - it is raining.
ESTAR - you just need to learn them!
eg está lloviendo - it is raining; está nevando - it is snowing; está nublado - it is cloudy;
See the crossword on the free Spanish resources page for other examples.
Hasta luego
la crisis de crédito - the credit crunch
un círculo vicioso - vicious circle
aprovechar - to take advantage
ganar/perder - win/lose
prender la calefacción - turn on the heating
cubiertos - cutlery
las colinas - the hills
ciervos - deer
jubilado - retired
acero inoxidable - stainless steel
hubo - there was
fábrica - factory
edificio - building
estuvo hablando - I was talking
lanzo - throw
golpiar - to hit
borde de Escocia - Scottish borders
anduvimos - we walked
pájaro - bird
pareja - couple
paraje - small road
ciervos - deer
los sucesos - causes
deshacer el nudo - untie the knot
rebasa el vaso - straw which broke the camel's back
una vez - once
mientras tanto - meanwhile
ponerse - to become; me pongo - I become
ponerse (la ropa) - to put on clothing
ajustarse los cinturones - tighten your belts
banca rota - bankrupt
lograr - to succeed
cartero - postman
la gente buen sentido del humor - people with good sense of humour
cuidar de - to look after
vejez - old age
llegar a ser - to become (develop into)
quizás -perhaps |