. The famous Mexican artisan work known as Los Alebrijes came to prominence a few decades ago by Perdro Linares from Oaxaca. The legend has it that as a young man he fell unconscious for several days from a strange malady. During the illness he dreamed of a fantasy forest where there were incredible creatures: lions with eagle heads; cocks with bulls` horns; donkeys with wings; dogs with spiders` legs; and many more. |
ISupposedly the name of Alebrijes was screamed during his dreams, and the shock returned him to consciousness. After recovering from his ordeal he felt a sense of gratitude to the strange creatures of his dreams, and set about creating models to show everyone what they had been like. |
He was already skilled in cardboard modeling, so he easily reproduced a selection of the weird colourful creatures. The paper maché, wood and cardboard art work eventually became famous throughout Mexico, and made Pedro a famous character. Los Alebijes are now very much part of Mexican culture and their popularity extends worldwide as tourists buy the impressive models as souvenirs of their trips. |