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SALVADOR DALI 1904 - 1989    


Dali was born in northern Spain and showed early promise as an artist. This was developed through art lessons which culminated in his progression to the Royal Academy of Art in Madrid. However his eccentricity was already evident and he was expelled for conflict with his teachers.

Landscape near Figueras

reputed to be painted when he was six


landscape near figueras by salvador dali

Dalí nació en el norte de España y mostró promesa de joven como artista. Esto fue desarrollado a través de lecciones de arte que culminaron en su progresión a la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Madrid. Sin embargo, su excentricidad ya era evidente y fue expulsado por entrar en conflicto con sus maestros.

Landscape near Figueras

se dice que pintó esto cuando sólo tenía seis años de edad.

A year later he had his first exhibition and embarked on his early years in Surrealism. Around this time he spent a lot of time in Cadaqués, a resort he would return to later in life. It was possibly here in 1927 that he painted his first renown surrealist work of `Honey is sweeter than blood`. In 1928 he went to Paris and met Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro. He became a prominent figure in the surrealist group led by Andre Breton, who would later criticise Dali for his right-wing stance and self promotion. honey is sweeter than blood by Salvador Dali Un año más tarde tuvo su primera exposición y se embarcó en sus primeros años del surrealismo. Alrededor de este tiempo pasó mucho tiempo en Cadaqués, un complejo donde regresaría más tarde en la vida. Posiblemente fue aquí en 1927 que pintó su primera obra surrealista fama `La miel es más dulce que la sangre`. En 1928 se trasladó a París y conoció a Pablo Picasso y Joan Miró. Se convirtió en una figura prominente en el grupo de surrealistas encabezado por André Breton, quien más tarde criticará Dalí por su posición derecha y la auto-promoción.
Towards the end of the twenties, Dali began to formulate his own individualistic style centred around the works of Freud and the unconscious. His famous `Persistence of memory` was typical of these thought processes, and he had the skills to generate paintings with almost photographic precision. pesistence of memory, salvador dali Hacia el final de los años veinte, Dalí comenzó a formular su propio estilo individualista centrado en las obras de Freud y el inconsciente. Su famosa `Persistencia de la memoria` era típica de estos procesos de pensamiento, y Dalí tuvo la habilidad para generar cuadros con una precisión casi fotográfica.
In the 1930s his new Russian wife Gala was a great influence on Dali. She modeled for him and organised many successful exhibitions which allowed him to concentrate on his art. They visited the USA and ultimately stayed throughout the 40s becoming financially rich. His old friend Andre Breton even nicknamed Dali by the anagram `Avida Dollars`(greedy for dollars), as a criticism of this materialistic period. However, undeterred Dali became more involved with commercial enterprise such as clothing and jewelry and celebrity portraits. dali-madonna-port-ligat.jpg Finalmente, Dalí y Gala se fueron a Europa a Lligat en España o en París. Sus cuadros comenzaron a reflejar su creciente interés en las cuestiones científicas, de historia y de religión. También fue en gran medida influenciado por la clásica Rafael y Velásquez, y esto cambió su estilo del anterior surrealismo más exótico. La Madonna de Port Lligat se originó en este período de su carrera
In the late fifties, Dali started on his collection of physically large paintings of history. He would produce an enormous work every summer whilst at Lligat. These creations included the amazing `Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus` which is now housed in the Dali Museum in St.Petersburg Florida. This series of large works are an important demonstration of his fertile imagination and precise painting technique. Discovery of america by christopher columbus - salvador dali En los años cincuenta, Dalí comenzó su colección de pinturas de gran formato físico de la historia. Producía un enorme trabajo cada verano cuando estaba en Lligat. Estas creaciones incluyen el sorprendente `Descubrimiento de América por Cristóbal Colón`, que se encuentra ahora en el Museo Dalí en San Petersburgo, Florida. Esta serie de grandes obras es una demostración importante de su imaginación fértil y su técnica precisa de pintura.

Almost uniquely, Dali has two museums dedicated to his works and memory. The museum in Florida was originally founded in 1971 by Reynolds Morse in a building close to his home in Cleveland, Ohio. However in 1982 it was moved to St Petersburg in Florida, and now displays almost a hundred paintings including some of Dali`s larger historical works.

The other museum is close to his original home in Figueres, Spain. In 1970 Dali started work to convert the old theatre into an art gallery and museum to display his works. It was finally opened to the public in 1974.

dali - tuna fishing

Casi únicamente, Dalí tiene dos museos dedicados a su obra y su memoria. El museo en Florida fue originalmente fundado en 1971 por Reynolds Morse en un edificio cercano a su casa en Cleveland, Ohio. Sin embargo, en 1982 se trasladó a San Petersburgo, en Florida, y ahora se muestra casi un centenar de pinturas incluyendo algunas de sus obras más grandes de historia.

El otro museo está cerca de su hogar original en Figueres, España. En 1970, Dalí empezó a trabajar para convertir el teatro viejo en una galería de arte y un museo para mostrar sus obras. Finalmente, se abrió al público en 1974.

Other Spanish artists in addition to Dali




A list of Dali`s list best known works:-

1910 Landscape Near Figueras
1913 Vilabertin
1916 Fiesta in Figueras (begun 1914)
1917 View of Cadaqués with Shadow of Mount Pani
1918 Crepuscular Old Man (begun 1917)
1919 Port of Cadaqués (Night) (begun 1918) and Self-portrait in the Studio
1920 The Artist`s Father at Llane Beach and View of Portdogué (Port Aluger)
1921 The Garden of Llaner (Cadaqués) (begun 1920) and Self-portrait
1922 Cabaret Scene and Night Walking Dreams
1923 Self Portrait with L`Humanite and Cubist Self Portrait with La Publicitat
1924 Still Life (Syphon and Bottle of Rum) (for Garc&iactue;a Lorca) and Portrait of Luis Buñuel
1925 Large Harlequin and Small Bottle of Rum, and a series of fine portraits of his sister Anna Maria, most notably Figure At A Window
1926 Basket of Bread and Girl from Figueres
1927 Composition With Three Figures (Neo-Cubist Academy) and Honey is Sweeter Than Blood (his first important surrealist work)
1929 Un chien andalou (An Andalusian Dog) film in collaboration with Luis Buñuel, The Lugubrious Game, The Great Masturbator, The First Days of Spring, and The Profanation of the Host
1930 L`Âge d'Or (The Golden Age) film in collaboration with Luis Buñuel
1931 The Persistence of Memory (his most famous work, featuring the "melting clocks"), The Old Age of William Tell, and William Tell and Gradiva
1932 The Spectre of Sex Appeal, The Birth of Liquid Desires, Anthropomorphic Bread, and Fried Eggs on the Plate without the Plate. The Invisible Man (begun 1929) completed (although not to Dal&iactue;'s own satisfaction).
1933 Retrospective Bust of a Woman (mixed media sculpture collage) and Portrait of Gala With Two Lamb Chops Balanced on Her Shoulder, Gala in the window
1934 The Ghost of Vermeer of Delft Which Can Be Used As a Table and A Sense of Speed
1935 Archaeological Reminiscence of Millet`s Angelus and The Face of Mae West
1936 Autumn Cannibalism, Lobster Telephone, Soft Construction with Boiled Beans (Premonition of Civil War) and two works titled Morphological Echo (the first of which began in 1934).
1937 Metamorphosis of Narcissus, Swans Reflecting Elephants, The Burning Giraffe, Sleep, The Enigma of Hitler, and Mae West Lips Sofa
1938 The Sublime Moment and Apparition of a Face and Fruit Dish on the Beach
1940 The Slave Market with Disappearing Bust of Voltaire, The Face of War

1943 The Poetry of America and Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man
1944 Galarina and Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening
1944-1948 Hidden Faces, a novel
1945, Basket of Bread - Rather Death Than Shame and Fountain of Milk Flowing Uselessly on Three Shoes; This year Dal&iactue; collaborated with Alfred Hitchcock on a dream sequence to the film Spellbound, to mutual dissatisfaction.
1946 The Temptation of St. Anthony
1948 "Les Elephants"
1949 Leda Atomica and The Madonna of Port Lligat. Dal&iactue; returned to Catalonia this year.
1951 Christ of St. John of the Cross and Exploding Raphaelesque Head.
1952 Galatea of the Spheres
1954 The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory (begun in 1952), Corpus Hypercubus Crucifixion and Young Virgin Auto-Sodomized by the Horns of Her Own Chastity.
1955 The Sacrament of the Last Supper, Lonesome Echo, record album cover for Jackie Gleason
1956 Still Life Moving Fast, Rinoceronte vestido con puntillas
1958 The Rose
1959 The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus.
1960 Dal&iactue; began work on the Teatro-Museo Gala Salvador Dali;
1965 Dal&iactue; donates a gouache, ink and pencil drawing of the Crucifixion to the Rikers Island jail in New York City. The drawing hung in the inmate dining room from 1965 to 1981.[47]
1967 Tuna Fishing
1969 Chupa Chups logo
1970 The Hallucinogenic Toreador, acquired in 1969 by A. Reynolds Morse & Eleanor R. Morse before it was completed
1972 La Toile Daligram

1976 Gala Contemplating the Mediterranean Sea
1977 Dali`s Hand Drawing Back the Golden Fleece in the Form of a Cloud to Show Gala Completely Nude, Very Far Away Behind the Sun (stereoscopical pair of paintings)
1983 Dali completed his final painting, The Swallow`s Tail.
2003 Destino, an animated cartoon which was originally a collaboration between Dali and Walt Disney, is released. Production on Destino began in 1945.





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