We first visited Benidorm for one day on our way back to Alicante airport from a week in Denia. The skyscrapers of tall hotels and apartment blocks had looked so impressive (the tallest building is the Gran Hotel Bali at 186 metres) as we drove passed on the A7 at the beginning of that holiday. We were intrigued to see what this much-maligned resort was all about. At worst we thought that there would be a good choice of gift shops. Little did we know that we were in for a treat of top Benidorm sights. |
Hemos visitado primero a Benidorm por una dia como volver al aeropuerto d`Alicante despues de una semana a Denia. Los rascacieloses de grandes hoteles y apartamientos han parecidos tan impresionantes (el edificio mas grande se llama el Gran Hotel a 186 metros) como hemos pasados en coche en el A7 a principios de los vacaciones. Nos tenia intrigados a sentir todos a este vilipendiado balneario. En el peor de los casos hemos pensado que estaria un buena seleccion de las tiendas de regalos. |
It was a Saturday and the place was bustling but we managed to get a parking space on Avenida del Mediterraneo which is one block inland from the promenade and runs parallel to it. This road pretty much confirmed our impression of what Benidorm would be like. Lots of gift shops, cafes, restaurants, amusement arcades, shops and activities of every description. It was loud, and in some places gaudy, sometimes tacky, but it was great, it was so lively. |
Era un sabado y el pueblo era animado pero pudimos conseguir un lugar para aparcar en Avenida del Mediterraneo que es una manzana del interior de la paseo maritimo y corre paralelas. Este calle mas o menos he confirmado nuestra impresion de que Benidorm pareceria. Muchos tiendas de regalos, cafes, restaurantes, sala de juegos, tiendas y actividades de cada descripcion. Era ruidoso, y en unos lugares esta charro, otra vez hortera, pero era fenomenal, era tan animado. |
However, walk to the sea and the Levante beach, and things become more civilised and less tatty altogether. This beach must be one of the best in Europe; it is such a large expanse of clean golden sand. It is bordered by a promenade which runs its full length starting from the central old town through to the Rincon de Loix area in the east. Walking along the front is very relaxing because traffic is restricted to delivery vehicles and bikes. At the weekend, understandably, the beach is full but there are plenty of sun beds, parasols and spare sand space available at most times. |
Sin embargo, camina a la mar y La Playa Levante, y cosas se hace mas civilisado y menos gastado totalmente. Esta playa tiene que estar un de la mejor en Europa; es tan un gran extension de limpia arena d`ora. Es limita con un paseo maritimo que corre su entero largo al comienzo de la ciudad vieja central por el region Rincon de Loix en el este. Se paseando el frente es muy descansando por que circulacion es limitado a camionetas de los repartos y bicicletas. Al fin de semana, claro, la playa es ocupado pero hay muchas hamacas, sombrillas y playa espacio libre casi siempre. |
Sand sculptures are popular here and you can see some high quality works of art on display. On some days there is even a beach library to provide reading material for your days in the sun. |
Escultura de arena son popular aqui y puede ver unos obras d`arte de gran calidad exhibido. Unos dias hay tambien un biblioteca de la playa proveer material de leer por su dias en el sol. |
The overall atmosphere is very cosmopolitan but with a Spanish predominance. Although a vast number of British tourists do visit the resort each year, they do not over run the place at all. In fact many Brits appear to prefer the surroundings of their hotels and pools which are located three or four blocks behind the front. |
L`atmosfera general es muy cosmopolita pero con un predominio del español. Aunque un numero enorme de turistas britanicas visita el balneario cada año, ellos no invaden la lugar nunca. De hecho, parece que muchos britanicos prefieren los alrededores de sus hoteles y piscinas que son situado tres o cuatro manzanas detras del frente. |
We actually stayed right on the front in a fairly central position in one of the very tall apartment blocks which was served by an excellent cafe restaurant on the ground floor. From the 23rd floor there was an unbelievable panoramic view of the Levante beach and promenade and Peacock Island in the bay. At that height, you are not disturbed by the noise below. |
Nosotros pasamos realmente en el frente en un sitio bastante centrico en un de los muy altos rascacieloses que era servida para un cafe restaurante excelente en la planta baja.Del vigesimotercero piso hace una vista panoramica increible de la playa de Levante y paseo maritimo y Peacock Island en la bahia. A este alto no esta molestado para el ruido abajo. |
Nearby, walking east there is an excellent choice of bars and cafes which seem to cater for cheap tourist breakfasts. In the other direction to the west towards the old town, there are also some good cafes, but eventually becomes less commercialised as the old town is approached. In an evening there are one or two good hotels here which serve dinner for non residents, but don`t leave it too late, they pack everything up fairly early, around 8.30pm. On the last stretch of the promenade, you again reach a selection of good restaurants and bars facing directly onto the sea. This is a good place to find your evening meal, if you enjoy a variety of cuisine like we do.
Cerca, caminando a l`este hay un seleccion excelente de barras y cafes que parecen a ofrecer las desayunares barratos.En l`otro direccion a l`oeste hacia la ciudad vieja, hay tambien unos buenos cafes, pero finalmente se hace menos comercializado como usted se acerca la ciudad vieja.En la noche hay un o dos buenos hoteles aqui que serven cenar para el public, pero no llega demasiado tarde, ellos terminan a servir temprano, cerca 20.30 horas.En ultimo estreche del paseo maritimo, otro vez llega un seleccion de buenos restaurantes y barras que dan directemente al mar. Este es un bueno lugar a encontrar su cenar, si usted disfruta un variedad de la cocina como nosotros. |
The old town is a great place to visit. The original architecture is that of the small fishing port of yesteryear. If you approach from the quieter Poniente beach on the west, the road rises gently and into a collection of interesting little shops. The streets and alleyways are narrow and are a delight to explore.Every corner reveals a gem of one kind or another. There is a good choice of restaurants here where you can while away a very pleasant evening eating, drinking a nice wine, and watching the world go by.
See slideshow of Benidorm Old Town |
La pueblo viejo es un sitio gran a visitar. El aquitectoro originale es este de la puerta pequena de pesquero de antano. Si usted llega de la mas tranquilo Poniente Playa en l`oeste, la calle se eleva suavemente y en un coleccion de las tiendas pequenas interesantes. Las calles y callejones son estrecho y son un deleite a explorar. Cada esquina revela un joya de un tipo o un otro.Hay una buena eleccion de restaurantes aqui donde se puede pasar un noche muy agradable comiendo, tomando un vino bueno, y mirando el mundo pasa.
A small deviation towards the sea takes you to the domed church which dominates a small rocky peninsular adjacent to the small Placa de Castelar. This is a great vantage point from which to look back down over the extensive Poniente beach, or to walk across the adjacent Placa de San Jaume to gaze north towards the Levante beach. |
Una pequena desviacion hacia la mar y llega a una iglesia con cupula que domina una peninsula rocosa al lado de la pequena Placa de Castelar. Este es un mirador excelente de cual a mirar atras por encima la Playa de Poniente extenso, o cruzara la adyacente Placa de San Jaume a mirar al norte hacia La Playa de Levante. |
Just down C.Major to Pl. de la Constitucio there is an alleyway on the left to one of the best tapas bars in the Costa Blanca, La Cava Aragonesa. This place is always full of Spaniards but be brave and use some of your Spanish. There are plenty of bar staff, so you are soon served. Choose two or three of the dishes displayed on the counters and don`t miss a glass of the cava on offer, it`s delicious. |
Solo baja a C. Mayor to Pl. de la Constitucio hay un callejon a la izquierda a un de mejor bares de tapas en la Costa Blanca, La Cava Aragonesa.Este bar es siempre lleno de Espanoles pero sea valiente! y usa unos de su espanol. Hay muchos personal de bares, para que es servido pronto.Elige dos o tres de las platas exponido en la barras y no hace falta un vino de cava para comprar, es deliciosa. |
Walking back towards the busy part of the old town there are other good tapas bars to try and the start of some more interesting shops.If you are desperately looking to buy a nice present for someone, look no further than the candle shop on Pg. de la Carretera. Here they create works of art in wax every day before your very eyes. Choose from a wonderful variety of designs and take home a unique present for someone. |
Regressando hacia el parte de la vieja poblacion occupado, hay otros bares de tapas buenos a probar y el comienzo de mas tiendas interesantes.Si usted mira con urgencia a comprar un regalo bueno para alguien, no mira mas lejos que la tienda de velas en Pg. de la Carretera.Aqui creean obras de arte de cera cada dia en frente de sus mismos ojos.Elige de una variedad maravilosa de disenos y lleva en casa un regalo unico para alguien. |
On the same road there is a sign to the Placa Major, go and investigate. This lovely little square is quite hidden within the narrow alleyways of the old town, so fairly easy to miss, but it is a typical pretty focal point with commerce and cafes mixed like any other plaza in Spain. |
En el mismo calle hay una senal a La Placa Mayor.Ve y investiga.Este pequena placa bonita es bastante escondido dentro de los callejones estrechos del pueblo viejo.No es facil a encontrar, pero es un centro bonito tipico, con comercio y cafes mezclado como otros placas en espana. |
Moving on further towards the end of the old town, at the bottom of San Miguel there is Chocoland an amazing pasteleria heladeria which will tempt even the most miserable healthy eater. After a tiring window shopping session why not treat yourself to a delicious cake and coffee at this pavement cafe. You know it makes sense. |
Sigue adelante hacia el fin del pueblo viejo, al bajo de San Miguel, hay Chocoland una pasteleria-heladeria que va tentar aunque gente que come sano.Despues de un rato cansando de las compras por que no te das un gusto y te compras un pastel delicioso y cafe a este pavimento de cafe. Se que tiene sentido. |
Following refreshment at this point if you are in a walking mood, why not head towards the Parc de l`Aiguera, an oasis of greenery amongst the urban sprawl.If you fancy getting away from the crowds for a short time, this is an ideal place to enjoy some calm and tranquillity. Take some tasty bocadillos and have a picnic on the grass. |
Siguiente refrigerio a este punto si es en un humor para caminar, por que no va hacia el Parc de L`Aiguera, un oasis de verdes entre la expansion urbana. Si quiere evitar la multitud por un rato, este es un sitio ideel a disfrutar unas calma y tranquilidad. Lleva unos bocadillos y va de picnic en la hierba |
Walk a little further and you reach the Placa de Toros. The doors are usually open so have a nosey inside, it`s quite an impressive place. At this point you are not far from the top of the Avenida Jaume 1.If you are feeling up to it, this long road has probably one of the best concentrations of gift shops in the town, keep on the right hand side. I defy you to resist spending something at the range of stalls and shops. There is a fantastic range of goods on offer equivalent to a large market. Yes there`s lots of tacky stuff, but there is also plenty of ideal little holiday presents for auntie Mo, and also toys of all descriptions. |
Camina un poco mas lejos y llega La Placa de Toros.Las puertas estan abierto por lo general estonces se metiche y mira al dentro, es un sitio impresionante.A este lugar no esta lejos de la parte superior de L`Avenida Jaume 1.Si tiene ganas de hacerlo, este calle largo tiene un de mejor concentraciones de tiendas de regalos en la ciudad, se queda al lado derecho. Desafio a usted a resistir gastando algo a la gama de puestos y tiendas. Hay una gama de productos fantastica oferta equivale a un mercado grande.Si hay muchos cachivaches, pero hay tambien muchos de pequenos regalos de vacaciones ideeles para tio Mo, y tambien juguetes de todos descripciones. |
When you reach Av de la Marina Espanola, you are finished. Turn left and walk back into the Old Town. |
Cuando llega a Avenida de la Marina Espanola, esta terminado.Tuerce a la izquierda y regressa al pueblo viejo. |
When you have had enough walking and shopping and are ready for a great evening`s entertainment, you need look no further than the Benidorm Palace. This venue offers a tremendous variety show and decent eating. The acts vary from first class glamorous dancers, with attractively revealing costumes, through magicians, speciality performers, to top class singers and bands. Definitely not to be missed during a visit to the resort. Situated on the outskirts of the Levante area, it`s too far to walk from most places, so take a taxi. |
Si no puede mas caminar y compras y esta listo para un noche gran de espectaculo, necessita no mirar lejos que El Palacio de Benidorm.Esta lugar de actuacion offre un espectaculo de variedades maraviloso y bueno comida. Es incluye bailarinas glamorosas, con trajes atrevido con mucho gusto, y cantantes y grupos de primera clase.Cierto no te perde eso durante una visita al centro turistico.Situado a las afueras del barrio de Rincon de Loix, esta demasiado lejos a caminar, bueno tome un taxi. |
On the same side of town just a little further out up in the hills, are the water park Aqualandia and the zoo-marine life Mundomar. If you feel energetic and it`s warm, Aqualandia would be a good day out. |
Al mismo lado de la ciudad, solo un poco mas lejos arriba en las colinas, estan el parque acuatico Aqualandia y Mundomar, tu parque de animales marinos y exóticos.Si tiene ganas de lleno de energia y hace caliente, Aqualandia seria una buena visita. |
A more sedate visit to Mundomar will reward you with a good variety of animal life and the highlight dolphin show against the phenomenal backdrop of the mountains of the Costa Blanca.
Mundomar es más tranquilo con una buena variedad de animales y el plato fuerte de la visita es la actuación de los delfines contra el fondo fenomenal de las montañas de La Costa Blanca. |
Terra Mitica theme park is only a couple of miles from the centre of Benidorm and well worth a visit. You can take a No.1 bus from anywhere along the Avenida del Mediterraneo for Euros 1.40 (2012). The park has been developed on the hillside above the town based on ancient Egypt, Greek and Roman themes. There is an impressive Egyptian styled entrance which leads into the clean and stunningly well set out park. The creations vary from the waterfalls of the Nile to the Minotaur`s labyrinth and Triton`s water slide. It is full of new surprises as you make you way through the mythical attractions. There are small rides for children, horrific rides for young people who love torture, and sedate rides for more mature people! When refreshment is needed there are a good selection of cafes and restaurants to meet every taste and pocket. A day is certainly needed to give the place a good testing.
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